Review of new training from Richard Legg

In his “100k apprentice” workshop (which is free to attend) you’ll get to review the very same system that Richard Legg used to build a multiple six-figures per year business online.

More than 10 years ago, Richard was a full time student in Ireland working towards his degree in physics and astronomy.

At the time he was working in a local supermarket for minimum wage and when combined with his full time studies, found that he was working upwards of 70 hours a week between work and college.

Tired of slaving away and while trying not to fall behind on his studies, Richard was desperate to find a solution that would help him make some extra money in his free time and still be able to focus on college. There was no immediate answer but he kept researching and trying new methods until finally he found something that worked.

By focusing on building systems he was soon making more than his job and also spending less time working than he had been previously. With consistent effort Richard was able to earn over a hundred thousand dollars by the time he was graduating from his physics degree.

Unlike a lot of people teaching stuff online, Richard found that ‘boring’ things such as building systems and automating processes were the most important factors in being able to build a business that would grow quickly.

Fortunately when you’re using computers and the internet, it’s a lot easier to build these kinds of systems than it is with a traditional offline business.

After generating his first six figures, the only real job options available to him after graduating were paying around twenty thousand a year. It was a no brainer. Within just 3 years he ‘d generated his first million dollars online. For over a decade Richard has worked from home watching his children grow and built a succesful business that has generated millions in revenue. His trainings have helped thousands of people who want to start generating their own financial freedom with hundreds of thousands of people having subscribed to his email newsletter.

His physics background and analytical approach means he’s able to simplify complex systems and break them down to understandable methods.

One of the main methods for his success has been built around creating email lists of people that you can monetize on a long term basis and that’s precisely what you’ll be able to see in the 100k Apprentice event.

This is the same model he’s used in his businesses and he’ll show you exactly how you can build your first free income system in just 10 minutes, using nothing but free tools. At the end of the training you’ll be able to walk away with the information you need to start getting results for yourself.

If you’re more experienced, Richard will also share some tips on how to maximize the results you’re already getting in your business so that you can sell more and work less. Simply visit and get free access to the training at a time that suits you.

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